

Satyrs are whimsical and exuberant fey creatures with the lower body of a goat and the upper body of a human. Known for their love of revelry, music, and nature, Satyrs embody the wild and untamed aspects of the natural world. Their communities are often found in the heart of ancient forests, meadows, and other places rich in fey magic, where they live in harmony with the land and its denizens.

Society and Culture

Satyr society is loosely structured, with communities forming around festivals, celebrations, and the changing seasons. They are led by those who can inspire and entertain, with leadership often shifting based on the community’s mood and needs. Satyrs cherish freedom, art, and the beauty of nature, often seen as guardians of sacred groves and ancient fey sites.

Their celebrations are legendary, filled with music, dancing, and feasting that can last for days, drawing in other creatures of the forest and sometimes even curious travelers. Satyrs are also known for their storytelling, weaving tales of magic, heroism, and mischief that embody their values and traditions.

Relations with Other Races

Satyrs are generally friendly and open, eager to share their joy and revelry with others. However, their capricious nature and love for pranks can sometimes lead to misunderstandings with more serious or conservative races. They have a natural affinity with other fey creatures and are often found in the company of elves, gnomes, and other beings who share their love for nature and freedom.

Satyr Adventurers

Satyr adventurers are driven by curiosity, wanderlust, or the desire for new experiences and stories to share. They thrive in the company of other adventurers who can match their enthusiasm and spirit for exploration. As adventurers, Satyrs bring a unique blend of charm, magic, and agility, capable of inspiring and protecting their companions. Their journey is as much about discovering the wonders of the world as it is about spreading joy and laughter wherever they go.


Satyrs reach adulthood by the age of 50 and can live to be over 500 years old, retaining their vitality and zest for life throughout their long existence.


Satyrs are inherently chaotic, driven by their whims and desires. They tend towards good, with a generous and joyous nature, but their love for freedom and disdain for restrictions can lead them down various paths.


Satyrs stand between 5 to a little over 6 feet tall, with their goat-like legs contributing to their height. Despite their slender build, they are surprisingly strong.

Your size is medium.


Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Your base swimming speed is 17 feet*.

Your base climbing speed is 17 feet*.

* calculated speed.


You can speak, read, and write: Common, Sylvan.

Ability Score Increase

  • Charisma: +2
  • Dexterity: +1

Skill Proficiency

You have the following skills: Performance, Persuasion.

Race Features

Fey Ancestry

You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic cannot put you to sleep.

Magic Resistance

You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, a testament to your fey lineage.


You can use your head to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier.

Mirthful Leaps

You can add a d4 to any Acrobatics or Athletics check you make, reflecting your natural agility and propensity for joyful movement.


You gain proficiency in the Performance skill and one musical instrument of your choice. You also gain proficiency in Persuasion, showcasing your charismatic and sociable nature.

Credits: Game Squire