Hero 6.2

Features & Pricing

Welcome to Game Squires, the ultimate realm for creative minds and strategic players!

Game Squires is a premier role-playing game platform that caters to all types of adventurers, whether you’re embarking on your first quest or commanding sagas as a seasoned Game Master. Our three distinct tiers of membership are meticulously designed to enhance your experience in our expansive, interactive world.

Delve into the Illustrated Basic Rules (5.1) and discover our exclusive Game Squires Classes, Items, Locations, Monsters, Races, and Spells. Join or initiate campaigns, harnessing our suite of tabletop campaign tools for campaign logs, notes, and AI-generated concepts. Characters burst into the narrative with rich backstories, vivid portraits, and comprehensive tools for tracking every facet of their odyssey.

With Game Squires, every choice, every character, and every campaign is an opportunity to create something extraordinary. Join us and become the hero of your own story.

Game Master

Sign Up

Game Masters are the true architects of adventure. With access to all the features of Game Squires, they can shape the world as they see fit. This includes everything from creating intricate campaigns and characters to generating unique monsters, items, and spells with the aid of our sophisticated AI. Game Masters can also generate stunning images and craft their own races, classes, and locations, making each adventure truly one of a kind. And all your creations are visible to your whole party.
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Game Master
Player Plus

Player Plus

Sign Up

Player Plus members unlock a realm of unlimited creativity, with the power to create an infinite number of player characters. This tier is enhanced with advanced AI tools, allowing for deeper customization, image generation, and storytelling. Additionally, Player Plus adventurers can write notes and tags, bringing a personalized touch to their journey.
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Free Player

Sign Up

For Free Players, the adventure begins with the ability to create one player character and utilize our innovative in-game tools. This is your gateway into a world of endless possibilities and the first step in your epic journey.
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Free Player
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Free Player
Player Plus
Game Master
Game Squires AI Tokens 20 200/mo 500/mo
Illustrated Basic Rules (5.1)
Basic Classes
Game Squires Classes
Basic Items
Game Squires Items
Game Squires Locations
Basic Monsters
Game Squires Monsters
Basic Races
Game Squires Races
Basic Spells
Game Squires Spells
Join Campaigns
Create Campaigns
Generate Campaign Concepts with AI
Add Campaign Images
Generate Campaign Images with AI
Read Campaign Lore
Add Campaign Lore
Tag Campaigns
Share Campaigns
Create Player Characters (PC) 3
Create Nonplayer Characters (NPC)
NPC Quickbuilder
In-game PC Tools
Track Hit Points
Track Inventory
Track Equipped Items
Track Encumbrance
Track Hit Dice Usage
Track Exhaustion
Track Spell Slots
Track Level Advancement
Generate Backstories with AI
Add Character Images
Generate Character Portraits with AI
Accept Awards
Print Character Card
Export Character (json)
Read Character Lore
Add Character Lore
Tag Characters
Share Characters
Create New Classes
Add Class Images
Generate Class Portraits with AI
Read Class Lore
Add Class Lore
Tag Classes
Share Classes
Create Encounters
In-game Encounter Tools
Party Auto-add PCs
Add NPCs
Add Monsters
Set Ally/Enemy Status
Determine Surprise
Determine Initiative
Run Combat Session
Auto-gen XP
Auto-gen Treasure
Allocate XP/Treasure via Awards
Customize Award Allocation
Create New Items
Add Item Images
Generate Item Images with AI
Read Item Lore
Add Item Lore
Tag Items
Share Items
Create New Locations
Location Quickbuilder
Add Location Images
Generate Location Images with AI
Add Maps
Read Location Lore
Add Location Lore
Tag Locations
Share Locations
Create New Monsters
Add Monster Images
Generate Monster Images with AI
Read Monster Lore
Add Monster Lore
Tag Monsters
Share Monsters
Join Parties by Invitation
Create Parties
Add Party Images
Invite Players
Tag Parties
Create New Races
Add Race Images
Generate Race Portraits with AI
Read Race Lore
Add Race Lore
Tag Races
Share Races
Create New Spells
Add Spell Images
Generate Spell Images with AI
Read Spell Lore
Add Spell Lore
Tag Spells
Share Spells
Organize with Tags
Create Tags
FREE Player Plus Game Master
Sign Up Sign Up Sign Up

Note: some features use AI, are in early development, and won’t always get it right.