

Proseans are a resourceful and nimble race distinguished by their exceptional dexterity, sharp intellect, and innate resourcefulness. This enables them to flourish in various environments, from the lush expanse of wild forests to the intricate mazes of urban landscapes. With their characteristic masked visage and ringed tails, Proseans exude a charm that belies their wily nature, epitomizing the essence of the playful trickster while possessing a strong instinct for survival.

Society and Culture

Prosean societies prioritize family bonds and community cooperation, thriving in both nocturnal and crepuscular settings. Their settlements, ingeniously integrated within their chosen environments, showcase remarkable creativity and resourcefulness in using scavenged materials for construction.

The culture of the Prosean is one that values ingenuity, adaptability, and the pleasure of exploration and discovery. Their oral traditions are rich with tales of cunning exploits, humorous pranks on other races, and the adventures of legendary Proseans. Music, dance, and storytelling, often featuring reclaimed objects and makeshift instruments, play a central role in their communal life.

Relations with Other Races

The Prosean are met with a blend of curiosity and caution by other races. Known for their trickster image, they can sometimes be misunderstood. However, those who engage with Prosean beyond superficial encounters find them to be ingenious, creative, and valuable companions, especially in urban settings where their unique talents shine.

Prosean Adventurers

Driven by a mix of inquisitiveness, a penchant for acquiring intriguing artifacts, and a thirst for new experiences, Prosean adventurers are a common sight. They excel in roles that capitalize on their dexterity, intelligence, and versatile skill set, such as rogues, rangers, or arcane tricksters. For Proseans, adventuring is not just an occupation but a lifestyle that satisfies their deep-rooted desire for exploration and accumulation of knowledge—and perhaps a shiny object or two.


Proseans reach maturity by the age of 15 and typically live up to around 100 years, a testament to their adaptable and resilient lifestyle.


Standing between 3 to 4 feet tall, Proseans have a compact and agile physique, enabling adept movement through confined spaces and complex terrains.

Your size is small.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Your base swimming speed is 15 feet*.

Your base climbing speed is 20 feet.

* calculated speed.


You can speak, read, and write: Common and 2 other languages.

Ability Score Increase

  • Dexterity: +2
  • Intelligence: +1

Skill Proficiency

You have the following skills: Investigation.

Race Features

Mask of the Night

You gain advantage on Stealth checks in dimly lit or dark conditions, leveraging the natural camouflage provided by your facial markings.

Scavenger's Insight

Proficiency in the Investigation skill underscores your knack for discovering useful items and resources, whether foraging in nature or sifting through urban detritus.

Nimble Escape

You are capable of taking the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of your turns, a reflection of your swift reflexes and strategic thinking in escape tactics.

Tool Proficiency

You gain proficiency with a set of artisan’s tools of your choice, demonstrating your problem-solving acumen and ability to utilize tools creatively to accomplish various tasks.

Credits: Game Squire