

Leporids are a race of agile and quick-witted humanoid creatures with the characteristics of rabbits and hares. Leporids are known for their speed, keen senses, and a strong connection to the natural world, particularly meadows and forests where they build their communities. These creatures combine the endearing qualities of their animal counterparts with the intelligence and social structure of humanoid races.

Society and Culture

Leporid society is built around close-knit communities, often referred to as warrens, that are deeply integrated with their natural surroundings. Their homes are constructed with an eye towards environmental preservation, utilizing natural burrows or carefully crafted dens that blend into the landscape. Leporids value family and community highly, with a social structure that emphasizes mutual aid, sharing, and collective decision-making.

Their culture celebrates the cycles of nature, with festivals and ceremonies that mark the changing seasons, harvests, and other natural phenomena. Leporids are also known for their storytelling, music, and dance, which are integral to their communal gatherings and rituals.

Relations with Other Races

Leporids are generally friendly and open-hearted, willing to share their knowledge of the natural world with others. However, their cautious nature means they are sometimes wary of larger races or those with a history of environmental disregard. Leporids get along well with races that share their respect for nature, such as Elves, Gnomes, and certain Fey.

Leporid Adventurers

Leporid adventurers may set out from their warrens out of curiosity, a desire to protect their homes, or the urge to explore the vastness of the natural world. In adventuring parties, Leporids are invaluable for their scouting abilities, quick thinking, and knowledge of the wilderness. Their journey is often driven by a blend of personal growth and the instinct to contribute to the greater good of their community and the natural world.


Leporids mature at the age of 3 and typically live up to 50 years, leading lives full of movement and exploration.


Leporids have a tendency towards good, with a peaceful and communal outlook on life. They value harmony with nature and each other, often avoiding unnecessary conflicts.


Leporids stand between 3 to 4 feet tall on average, with a slender build that belies their strength.

Your size is small.


Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Your base swimming speed is 17 feet*.

Your base climbing speed is 17 feet*.

* calculated speed.


You can speak, read, and write: Common, Sylvan.

Ability Score Increase

  • Dexterity: +2
  • Wisdom: +1

Skill Proficiency

You have the following skills: Perception.

Race Features


You can jump twice the distance of your Strength score when making a long jump, and you can jump three times your height in a high jump, with or without a running start.


You have a burrowing speed of 10 feet, allowing you to navigate underground as easily as on the surface.

Natural Camouflage

You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in natural terrain, reflecting your ability to blend into your surroundings.

Silvan Empathy

You can communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts. This ability reflects your affinity with nature and animals, especially those common to your home environment.

Credits: Game Squire