

Small beast, unaligned

Challenge Rating
10 XP

In the depths of the vast oceans, the Octopus glides as a fascinating and agile creature. With its remarkable intelligence and adaptability, the Octopus embodies the wonders of underwater life, showcasing a range of unique abilities and an innate understanding of its aquatic environment.

The Octopus boasts a soft and gelatinous body, featuring a bulbous head with large, expressive eyes that betray its remarkable intelligence. It possesses a ring of tentacles that radiate from its mouth, each lined with powerful suction cups that allow for a firm grip on objects and prey. The Octopus’s body is often adorned with vibrant colors and intricate patterns, serving both as camouflage and displays of emotion.

One of the most captivating aspects of the Octopus is its exceptional adaptability. With its ability to change color and texture, it can blend seamlessly into its surroundings, providing it with both an effective camouflage and a means of communication. This natural camouflage allows the Octopus to become nearly invisible to potential predators or unsuspecting prey.

The Octopus is also known for its remarkable problem-solving skills and dexterity. Its tentacles are highly flexible and dexterous, enabling it to manipulate objects and even unscrew lids or solve puzzles. These cognitive abilities make the Octopus an impressive hunter and survivor, as it can employ tactics and strategies to outwit its adversaries.

In addition to its physical prowess, the Octopus possesses the ability to expel a cloud of ink as a defense mechanism. This ink creates a dense cloud that obscures vision, allowing the Octopus to escape from danger or confuse its would-be predators. The ink also contains a chemical compound that can cause irritation or even temporarily blind those caught within its cloud.

Encountering an Octopus is to witness the grace and adaptability of a creature perfectly suited for its watery domain. Their presence invokes a sense of awe and wonder, as they navigate the underwater world with ease, using their intelligence and unique abilities to survive and thrive. Interacting with an Octopus can be an enriching experience, as they possess a certain curiosity and interaction that sets them apart from more predatory creatures.

Octopuses bring a touch of natural wonder and versatility to the tapestry of underwater creatures. They serve as reminders of the intricate and diverse ecosystems that exist beneath the surface, as well as the intelligence and adaptability of the beings that inhabit them. Whether encountered as curious companions, sources of knowledge, or guardians of underwater realms, Octopuses add a captivating and enchanting presence to the realms of adventure and exploration.

Special Abilities

Hold Breath

While out of water, the octopus can hold its breath for 30 minutes.

Underwater Camouflage

The octopus has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made while underwater.

Water Breathing

The octopus can breathe only underwater.


  • Tentacles: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 10). Until this grapple ends, the octopus can’t use its tentacles on another target.
  • Ink Cloud: A 5-foot-radius cloud of ink extends all around the octopus if it is underwater. The area is heavily obscured for 1 minute, although a significant current can disperse the ink. After releasing the ink, the octopus can use the Dash action as a bonus action.
Armor Class: 12 (DEX)
Hit Points: 3 (1d6)
Speed: 5 ft. (walk), 30 ft. (swim)


  • Skill: Perception +2
  • Skill: Stealth +4


  • Passive Perception: 12
  • Darkvision: 30′

Credits: SRD 5.1