

Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil

Challenge Rating
10 XP

In the infernal planes, amidst the swirling miasma and eternal torment, the Lemure exists as a wretched embodiment of suffering and degradation. These pitiful creatures, considered the lowest rung of the infernal hierarchy, are the remnants of mortal souls that have been condemned to eternal damnation.

Lemures appear as grotesque, misshapen forms, with flesh-like substance melting and oozing from their bodies. They lack distinct features or individuality, their forms reduced to a writhing mass of tormented souls. Slow and lumbering, their movements are agonizingly sluggish, a reflection of the despair and anguish that has consumed them.

Stripped of their memories, identity, and free will, Lemures exist only to endure and suffer, bearing the weight of their past transgressions. They are doomed to an existence of eternal torment, a reminder of their past sins and a perpetual state of punishment for their wicked deeds in life. Their moans and cries of anguish fill the infernal landscapes, an eerie chorus of suffering that resonates through the plane.

In combat, Lemures are feeble adversaries, possessing little strength or intelligence. They attack with flailing, weak strikes, driven by an instinctual desire to inflict pain upon others. However, their true threat lies in their ability to corrupt and taint. Contact with a Lemure can leave a stain upon the soul, a lingering darkness that can gradually erode the virtues and morality of those affected.

In the hierarchy of the infernal realms, Lemures serve as the lowest form of cannon fodder, the foot soldiers of the damned. They are often under the command of higher-ranking devils, forced into servitude and used as pawns in the eternal power struggles that permeate the infernal planes. Their existence is a reminder to others of the consequences of a life lived in sin and moral corruption.

Encountering a Lemure is to witness the abject misery and hopelessness that permeates the infernal realms. Though they are not individually fearsome or powerful, their presence evokes a sense of profound sadness and empathy for the depths of suffering they endure. They serve as a stark reminder that redemption and salvation are precious and fragile, and that a life without virtue can lead to a fate far worse than death.

In the realm of fantasy and darkness, the Lemure embodies the consequences of wickedness and the eternal price paid for a life lived in sin. Their existence stands as a testament to the struggle between good and evil, and the importance of making choices that steer one away from the path of damnation.

Special Abilities

Devil’s Sight

Magical darkness doesn’t impede the lemure’s darkvision.

Hellish Rejuvenation

A lemure that dies in the Nine Hells comes back to life with all its hit points in 1d10 days unless it is killed by a good-aligned creature with a bless spell cast on that creature or its remains are sprinkled with holy water.


  • Fist: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Armor Class: 7 (DEX)
Hit Points: 13 (3d8)
Speed: 15 ft. (walk)
Damage Resistances: cold
Damage Immunities: fire | poison
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Frightened, Poisoned


  • Passive Perception: 10
  • Darkvision: 120′
Languages: understands infernal but can't speak

Credits: SRD 5.1