

Tiny beast, unaligned

Challenge Rating
10 XP

A badger is a small, stocky mammal known for its distinctive appearance and digging abilities. They have a compact body with short legs, a broad head, and a pointed snout. Badgers vary in size depending on the species, with an average length of about 2 to 3 feet and a weight ranging from 10 to 30 pounds.

One of the most recognizable features of a badger is its coat, which is typically coarse and composed of a mix of gray, brown, and black fur. Some species may have additional markings or stripes on their face or body. Badgers also possess strong, curved claws on their front feet, which they use for digging burrows and searching for food.

Badgers are primarily nocturnal creatures, venturing out at night in search of prey. They are opportunistic omnivores, feeding on a varied diet that includes small mammals, insects, birds, eggs, reptiles, amphibians, fruits, and roots. Their strong jaws and sharp teeth allow them to consume a wide range of food items.

Known for their excellent digging skills, badgers construct extensive underground burrow systems called setts. These burrows serve as their homes, providing shelter and protection from predators and harsh weather conditions. Badgers are skilled excavators and can create intricate tunnels and chambers within their setts.

Badgers are generally solitary animals, except during the breeding season or when they are caring for their young. They have a reputation for being territorial and can defend their burrows and resources from other animals if necessary. When threatened, a badger may exhibit aggressive behavior, using its powerful jaws and claws as a means of defense.

Special Abilities

Keen Smell

The badger has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.


  • Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage.
Armor Class: 10 (DEX)
Hit Points: 3 (1d4+1)
Speed: 20 ft. (walk), 5 ft. (burrow)


  • Passive Perception: 11
  • Darkvision: 30′
Environment: Forest

Credits: SRD 5.1