Language Undercommon


Undercommon is a dark and guttural language, spoken by creatures that dwell in the Underdark, the vast and treacherous subterranean realm. Its unsettling and eerie sounds mirror the sinister and dangerous nature of the creatures that inhabit this shadowy realm. Undercommon is often used for scheming, plotting, and exchanging information in the hidden depths below the surface. Those who understand Undercommon may navigate the perilous underworld, negotiate with sinister denizens, and uncover ancient secrets hidden in the dark recesses of the earth. Learning Undercommon can be essential for adventurers delving into the depths, as it opens doors to the labyrinthine web of intrigue and peril that lies beneath the surface world.

Type: Exotic

Typical Speakers: Underdark traders

Script: Elvish

Credits: SRD 5.1