Gear & Artifacts

gsi 23 01 16 wed jan 2024 44974.jpg

Crossbow bolt, bundle of 20

Adventuring Gear, Ammunition

A bolt or quarrel is a dart-like projectile used by crossbows. Quarrel, meaning square, refers to their typically square heads. Although their lengths vary, bolts are typically shorter and heavier... read on
gsi 23 01 27 wed jan 2024 9886561

Crossbow, hand

Martial Ranged Weapon, Weapon, Martial Weapon, Ranged Weapon

A hand crossbow is a compact and versatile ranged weapon, featuring a smaller frame and size compared to its larger counterparts, making it easily wielded with one hand. With a... read on
gsi 23 01 01 wed jan 2024 9383571

Crossbow, heavy

Martial Ranged Weapon, Martial Weapon, Ranged Weapon, Weapon

A heavy crossbow is a powerful ranged weapon designed for immense stopping power. It features a sturdy stock, a thick bow-like mechanism, and a wide steel limb. It requires two... read on
gsi 23 01 21 wed jan 2024 518877.jpg

Crossbow, light

Simple Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon, Weapon, Ranged Weapon

A light crossbow is a compact and efficient ranged weapon, consisting of a small, handheld frame with a taut bowstring attached, allowing for quick and precise shots. The bowstring is... read on
gsi 23 01 13 wed jan 2024 340350.jpg


Adventuring Gear, Standard Gear

A sturdy metal bar with a hooked end, useful for prying open containers or doors. Using a crowbar grants advantage to Strength checks where the crowbar’s leverage can be applied.
gsi 23 01 21 wed jan 2024 8455.jpg


Adventuring Gear, Arcane Foci

An arcane focus is a special item–an orb, a crystal, a rod, a specially constructed staff, a wand-like length of wood, or some similar item–designed to channel the power of... read on
gsi 23 01 17 wed jan 2024 74806.jpg

Crystal Ball

Wondrous Item

The typical crystal ball, a very rare item, is about 6 inches in diameter. While touching it, you can cast the scrying spell (save DC 17) with it.
gsi 23 01 12 wed jan 2024 67755.jpg

Cube of Force

Wondrous Item

This cube is about an inch across. Each face has a distinct marking on it that can be pressed. The cube has 36 charges and regains 1d20 charges daily at... read on
gsi 00 01 05 thu jan 2024 578199.jpg

Cubic Gate

Wondrous Item

This cube is 3 inches across and radiates palpable magical energy. The six sides of the cube are each keyed to a different plane of existence, one of which is... read on
gsi 16 01 04 thu jan 2024 785595.jpg


Melee Weapon, Simple Melee Weapon, Simple Weapon, Weapon

A versatile and compact bladed melee weapon, easy to carry and conceal.
gsi 16 01 25 thu jan 2024 76457.jpg

Dagger of Venom

Magical Weapon

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. You can use an action to cause thick, black poison to coat the blade. The... read on
gsi 17 01 21 thu jan 2024 809108.jpg

Dancing Sword

Magical Weapon

You can use a bonus action to toss this magic sword into the air and speak the command word. When you do so, the sword begins to hover, flies up... read on


Simple Ranged Weapon, Simple Weapon, Weapon

A lightweight thrown weapon, often used for ranged attacks.
gsi 17 01 44 thu jan 2024 966589.jpg

Decanter of Endless Water

Wondrous Item

This stoppered flask sloshes when shaken, as if it contains water. You can use an action to remove the stopper and speak one of three command words, whereupon an amount... read on
Deck of Illusions

Deck of Illusions

Wondrous Item

This box contains a set of parchment cards. A full deck has 34 cards. A deck found as treasure is usually missing 1d20 – 1 cards. The magic of the... read on
gsi 17 01 42 thu jan 2024 250917.jpg

Deck of Many Things

Wondrous Item

Usually found in a box or pouch, this deck contains a number of cards made of ivory or vellum. Most (75 percent) of these decks have only thirteen cards, but... read on
gsi 17 01 38 thu jan 2024 91705.jpg


Magical Weapon

Weapon (any sword). You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The first time you attack with the sword on each of your... read on
Demon Armor

Demon Armor

Magical Armor

While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, and you can understand and speak Abyssal. In addition, the armor’s clawed gauntlets turn unarmed strikes with your hands... read on
gsi 17 01 10 thu jan 2024 232139.jpg

Dice Set

Gaming Set, Tool

A set of various dice used for playing games of chance, making decisions, or determining outcomes. If you are proficient with a gaming set, you can add your proficiency bonus... read on
gsi 16 01 37 fri jan 2024 86538.jpg

Dimensional Shackles

Wondrous Item

You can use an action to place these shackles on an incapacitated creature. The shackles adjust to fit a creature of Small to Large size. In addition to serving as... read on
diplomats pack

Diplomat's Pack

Adventuring Gear, Equipment Pack

A collection of items suitable for diplomatic missions, negotiations, and interactions.
gsi 16 01 12 fri jan 2024 767565.jpg

Disguise Kit

Adventuring Gear, Kit

This pouch of cosmetics, hair dye, and small props lets you create disguises that change your physical appearance. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any... read on
gsi 16 01 47 fri jan 2024 262646.jpg


Mount or Other Animal, Mounts and Vehicles

A reliable pack animal often used for carrying heavy loads in challenging terrain.
gsi 16 01 59 fri jan 2024 991145.jpg

Dragon Scale Mail

Magical Armor

Armor (scale mail) Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Other times, hunters... read on
gsi 16 01 04 fri jan 2024 971580.jpg

Dragon Slayer

Magical Weapon

Weapon (any sword) You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit a dragon with this weapon, the dragon takes an... read on
gsi 16 01 48 fri jan 2024 621782.jpg


Tool, Musical Instrument

A percussion instrument capable of producing rhythmic beats and sounds. If you have proficiency with a given musical instrument, you can add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you... read on
gsi 16 01 07 fri jan 2024 817684.jpg


Musical Instrument, Tool

A percussion instrument capable of producing rhythmic beats and sounds. If you have proficiency with a given musical instrument, you can add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you... read on
dungeoneers pack

Dungeoneer's Pack

Adventuring Gear, Equipment Pack

A bundle of essential gear tailored for delving into dungeons and exploring underground environments.
gsi 16 01 39 fri jan 2024 760098.jpg

Dust of Disappearance

Wondrous Item

Found in a small packet, this powder resembles very fine sand. There is enough of it for one use. When you use an action to throw the dust into the... read on
gsi 16 01 19 fri jan 2024 915962.jpg

Dust of Dryness

Wondrous Item

This small packet contains 1d6 + 4 pinches of dust. You can use an action to sprinkle a pinch of it over water. The dust turns a cube of water... read on
gsi 16 01 59 fri jan 2024 505504.jpg

Dust of Sneezing and Choking

Wondrous Item

Found in a small container, this powder resembles very fine sand. It appears to be dust of disappearance, and an identify spell reveals it to be such. There is enough... read on
gsi 16 01 14 fri jan 2024 250828.jpg

Dwarven Plate

Magical Armor

While wearing this armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC. In addition, if an effect moves you against your will along the ground, you can use your reaction to... read on
gsi 16 01 55 fri jan 2024 106006.jpg

Dwarven Thrower

Magical Weapon

Requires attunement by a dwarf You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It has the thrown property with a normal range of... read on
gsi 16 01 47 fri jan 2024 9086321

Efficient Quiver

Wondrous Item

Each of the quiver’s three compartments connects to an extradimensional space that allows the quiver to hold numerous items while never weighing more than 2 pounds. The shortest compartment can... read on
gsi 16 01 10 fri jan 2024 150081.jpg

Efreeti Bottle

Wondrous Item

A painted brass bottle. When you use an action to remove the stopper, a cloud of thick smoke flows out of the bottle. At the end of your turn, the... read on
gsi 16 01 18 fri jan 2024 35115.jpg

Elemental Gem

Wondrous Item

This gem contains a mote of elemental energy. When you use an action to break the gem, an elemental is summoned as if you had cast the conjure elemental spell,... read on
gsi 16 01 58 fri jan 2024 224306.jpg


Mount or Other Animal, Mounts and Vehicles

A massive and powerful creature, sometimes used as a mount or for heavy labor.
gsi 16 01 54 fri jan 2024 693207.jpg

Elven Chain

Magical Armor

You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you wear this armor. You are considered proficient with this armor even if you lack proficiency with medium armor.
gsi 16 01 39 fri jan 2024 914237.jpg


Adventuring Gear, Holy Symbol

A holy symbol is a representation of a god or pantheon. It might be an amulet depicting a symbol representing a deity, the same symbol carefully engraved or inlaid as... read on
entertainers pack

Entertainer's Pack

Adventuring Gear, Equipment Pack

A kit containing items for performing and entertaining, suitable for bards and showmen.
gsi 16 01 55 fri jan 2024 650772.jpg

Eversmoking Bottle

Wondrous Item

Smoke leaks from the lead-stoppered mouth of this brass bottle, which weighs 1 pound. When you use an action to remove the stopper, a cloud of thick smoke pours out... read on
explorers pack

Explorer's Pack

Adventuring Gear, Equipment Pack

A versatile assortment of gear for wilderness travel and exploration.
gsi 16 01 31 fri jan 2024 573002.jpg

Eyes of Charming

Wondrous Item

These crystal lenses fit over the eyes. They have 3 charges. While wearing them, you can expend 1 charge as an action to cast the charm person spell (save DC... read on
gsi 16 01 27 fri jan 2024 189857.jpg

Eyes of Minute Seeing

Wondrous Item

These crystal lenses fit over the eyes. While wearing them, you can see much better than normal out to a range of 1 foot. You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation)... read on
gsi 16 01 00 fri jan 2024 714085.jpg

Eyes of the Eagle

Wondrous Item

These crystal lenses fit over the eyes. While wearing them, you can see much better than normal out to a range of 1 foot. You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation)... read on
Feather Token

Feather Tokens

Wondrous Item

This tiny object looks like a feather. Different types of feather tokens exist, each with a different single use effect. The GM chooses the kind of token or determines it... read on
gsi 16 01 11 fri jan 2024 863945.jpg

Figurine of Wondrous Power

Wondrous Item

A figurine of wondrous power is a statuette of a beast small enough to fit in a pocket. If you use an action to speak the command word and throw... read on
gsi 16 01 56 fri jan 2024 158105.jpg

Fishing tackle

Adventuring Gear, Standard Gear

This kit includes a wooden rod, silken line, corkwood bobbers, steel hooks, lead sinkers, velvet lures, and narrow netting.
gsi 16 01 55 fri jan 2024 295112.jpg


Martial Melee Weapon, Melee Weapon, Weapon, Martial Weapon

A spiked weapon with a chain or rope, offering a unique and unpredictable attack style.
gsi 16 01 35 fri jan 2024 802061.jpg

Flame Tongue

Magical Weapon

Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement) You can use a bonus action to speak this magic sword’s command word, causing flames to erupt from the blade. These flames shed bright... read on
gsi 16 01 47 fri jan 2024 78042.jpg

Flask or tankard

Adventuring Gear, Standard Gear

A container for holding liquids, such as water, ale, or other beverages.
gsi 16 01 12 fri jan 2024 3738951

Flour, 1 lb.

Trade Good

A pound of finely ground wheat flour, used in cooking and baking.
gsi 16 01 34 fri jan 2024 675852.jpg


Tool, Musical Instrument

A musical instrument capable of producing beautiful melodies and harmonious tunes. If you have proficiency with a given musical instrument, you can add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks... read on
Folding Boat

Folding Boat

Wondrous Item

This object appears as a wooden box that measures 12 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 6 inches deep. It weighs 4 pounds and floats. It can be opened to... read on
gsi 17 01 00 fri jan 2024 950063.jpg

Forgery Kit

Adventuring Gear, Kit

This small box contains a variety of papers and parchments, pens and inks, seals and sealing wax, gold and silver leaf, and other supplies necessary to create convincing forgeries of... read on
gsi 17 01 40 fri jan 2024 406685.jpg

Frost Brand

Magical Weapon

Weapon (any sword) When you hit with an attack using this magic sword, the target takes an extra 1d6 cold damage. In addition, while you hold the sword, you have... read on
gsi 22 01 51 fri jan 2024 364222.jpg


Mounts and Vehicles, Waterborne Vehicle

A ship designed for rowing and sailing, often used for naval travel and combat.
gsi 22 01 14 fri jan 2024 860553.jpg

Gauntlets of Ogre Power

Wondrous Item

Your Strength score is 19 while you wear these gauntlets. They have no effect on you if your Strength is already 19 or higher.
gsi 22 01 47 fri jan 2024 549114.jpg

Gem of Brightness

Wondrous Item

This prism has 50 charges. While you are holding it, you can use an action to speak one of three command words to cause one of the following effects: The... read on
gsi 22 01 47 fri jan 2024 380246.jpg

Gem of Seeing

Wondrous Item

This gem has 3 charges. As an action, you can speak the gem’s command word and expend 1 charge. For the next 10 minutes, you have truesight out to 120... read on
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