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Crossbow, light

A light crossbow is a compact and efficient ranged weapon, consisting of a small, handheld frame with a taut bowstring attached, allowing for quick and precise shots. The bowstring is drawn back by hand or with a lever mechanism, and a bolt is loaded into the firing mechanism.

Designed for ease of use and portability, the light crossbow is a versatile weapon for adventurers. It offers decent range and accuracy, making it ideal for stealthy or ranged combat situations. The lightweight construction allows for swift movement and quick reloading, ensuring a steady stream of bolts in battle.

With its simple yet effective design, the light crossbow offers adventurers a reliable option for ranged attacks. Whether employed by a rogue seeking a silent takedown or a ranger aiming from a distance, this weapon proves its worth in various scenarios, making it a valuable asset in the hands of a skilled user.

Range: Simple Ranged Weapon
Properties: Ammunition, Loading, Two-Handed
Dice Type Range Thrown
1d8 Piercing 80 / 320
Cost: 25 gp
Weight: 5

Credits: SRD 5.1