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Armor of Resistance

Magical Armor, Rare, Requires attunement

Armor (light, medium, or heavy)

You have resistance to one type of damage while you wear this armor. The GM chooses the type or determines it randomly from the options below.

d10 Damage Type
1 Acid
2 Cold
3 Fire
4 Force
5 Lightning
6 Necrotic
7 Poison
8 Psychic
9 Radiant
10 Thunder
Category AC Base AC Dex+ AC Dex+ (max) STR (min) Stealth
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Tooltip Tuesday April 23, 2024

Armor of Resistance: Tales of Triumph and Survival

As a skilled squire who has supported many brave adventurers on their quests, I have encountered the Armor of Resistance on numerous occasions. This magical armor is truly a remarkable... read on

Credits: SRD 5.1