Background Laborer


You come from a life of hard work, sweat, and toil. Perhaps you were a carpenter, a stonemason, a miner, or a dockworker. Whatever your trade, your hands are callused and your back is strong. You’ve learned the value of a hard day’s work, as well as the prejudice some hold against "common folk." While you may not have the formal education of a scholar or the battle training of a knight, you possess a different kind of wisdom born from labor and life experience.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception

Tool Proficiencies: Artisan's Tool

Equipment: A set of common clothes, a set of artisan’s tools, a water skin, and a pouch containing 10 gp.

Starting Equipment

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your class:

  • clothes, common
  • (a) any artisan's tool
  • waterskin

Feature: Salt of the Earth

Your experiences in labor and trade give you the ability to quickly assess the value of objects and the quality of craftsmanship. Additionally, you are well-connected within labor circles. This allows you to find temporary work between adventures, find buyers for goods you’ve acquired, or gather information from other laborers you meet.

Suggested Characteristics

Laborers are as diverse as the jobs they do, but many are practical, strong-willed, and have a strong sense of community. Their values are often focused on family, hard work, and a fair wage. They’re likely to be down-to-earth and skeptical of highfalutin ideas that don’t have practical application.

d8Personality Trait
d1I always have a joke or a song to lighten the mood.
d2I’m never happier than when I’m working with my hands.
d3I believe in fair work for fair pay; no shortcuts, no handouts.
d4I’m always sizing things up, estimating how long a job will take or how much something is worth.
d5I hate feeling idle; time not spent productively is time wasted.
d6I'm fiercely loyal to my friends and coworkers.
d7I'm pragmatic; if the solution isn't practical, then it isn't a solution.
d8I enjoy simple pleasures: a hearty meal, a beautiful sunset, a job well done.
d1Solidarity: The laboring class should stick together and protect each other. (Good)
d2Independence: The best way to secure one's future is through hard work and self-reliance. (Neutral)
d3Tradition: The old ways of doing things are the best ways. (Lawful)
d4Innovation: There's always a way to do things more efficiently; we must adapt and improve. (Chaotic)
d5Fairness: Everyone should receive their fair share; no more, no less. (Lawful)
d6Humanity: At the end of the day, we’re all people first, and our professions second. (Good)
d1I send most of the money I make back home to support my family.
d2The first object I ever crafted holds a special place in my heart.
d3My fellow laborers are like an extended family to me.
d4I worked on a significant project that I take great pride in.
d5An accident at work affected me or someone close to me deeply.
d6A tool or piece of equipment I own has been passed down through generations.
d1I have a short temper when I feel I'm being exploited or taken for granted.
d2I’m stubborn and find it hard to quit, even when it might be in my best interest.
d3I'm not good at thinking things through and can be impulsive.
d4I’m distrustful of people who don’t work with their hands for a living.
d5I bear a grudge against anyone who’s ever belittled or exploited the working class.
d6I have a habit of over-exerting myself, refusing to stop until the job is done.

Credits: Game Squire