
Medium fiend, lawful evil

Challenge Rating
10000 XP

In the shadowed corners of the world, the Rakshasa prowls as a cunning and malevolent creature. With its fiendish origins, shapeshifting abilities, and manipulative nature, the Rakshasa embodies deception, corruption, and the allure of dark power.

The Rakshasa is a fiendish being, typically appearing as a humanoid figure with feline features. Its form is adorned with opulent clothing and exotic jewelry, reflecting its taste for wealth and luxury. Most striking are its glowing, predatory eyes and the fanged grin that reveals its true nature. Rakshasas are skilled illusionists, capable of altering their appearance to blend seamlessly into mortal society.

As masters of manipulation, Rakshasas delight in playing games with the lives of mortals. They are known for their ability to cast powerful illusions and enchantments, using their magic to charm and deceive others for their own twisted purposes. Rakshasas often infiltrate positions of power or masquerade as respected individuals, pulling strings from behind the scenes to manipulate events to their advantage.

Rakshasas possess an inherent resistance to magic and are immune to most spells of lower power. This makes them formidable adversaries, capable of shrugging off many attempts to harm or control them magically. They are highly intelligent and strategic, carefully planning their actions and using their illusionary powers to misdirect and confuse their enemies.

These fiendish creatures have a penchant for deals and pacts. They are often encountered as master manipulators or as patrons of dark cults, offering power and favors in exchange for souls or the fulfillment of their own sinister desires. Their ultimate goal is often the accumulation of power and the spread of corruption, as they seek to further their own fiendish agenda.

Encountering a Rakshasa is to face a creature of cunning and dark charm. Its presence exudes an aura of deceit and calculated malice, as it weaves intricate schemes to manipulate those around it. Engaging with a Rakshasa requires both mental fortitude and strategic thinking, as its illusions, resistance to magic, and manipulation skills make it a formidable opponent.

Rakshasas bring a touch of fiendish intrigue and the allure of corruption to the tapestry of the world. They serve as reminders of the dangers of trusting appearances and the temptation of dark power. Whether encountered as the mastermind behind a grand conspiracy or as the enigmatic figure pulling the strings from the shadows, Rakshasas add a sinister and manipulative presence to the realms of adventure and exploration.

Special Abilities

Limited Magic Immunity

The rakshasa can’t be affected or detected by spells of 6th level or lower unless it wishes to be. It has advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects.

Innate Spellcasting

The rakshasa’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). The rakshasa can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: detect thoughts, disguise self, mage hand, minor illusion
3/day each: charm person, detect magic, invisibility, major image, suggestion
1/day each: dominate person, fly, plane shift, true seeing


  • Multiattack: The rakshasa makes two claw attacks
  • Claw: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage, and the target is cursed if it is a creature. The magical curse takes effect whenever the target takes a short or long rest, filling the target’s thoughts with horrible images and dreams. The cursed target gains no benefit from finishing a short or long rest. The curse lasts until it is lifted by a remove curse spell or similar magic.
Armor Class: 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 110 (13d8+52)
Speed: 40 ft. (walk)
Damage Vulnerabilities: piercing from magic weapons wielded by good creatures
Damage Immunities: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Proficiency Bonus: +5


  • Skill: Deception +10
  • Skill: Insight +8


  • Passive Perception: 13
  • Darkvision: 60′
Languages: Common, Infernal
Environment: Urban

Credits: SRD 5.1