

Small monstrosity, unaligned

Challenge Rating
100 XP

A Darkmantle is a creature that resembles a cross between a bat and a squid. They are small, subterranean predators known for their ability to blend in with darkness and surprise their prey.

Physically, Darkmantles have a dark, leathery body with a wingspan of about 5 feet. They possess a muscular mantle that extends from their body and resembles a set of fleshy wings. These mantles have a dark, mottled coloration that helps them camouflage against cave walls or other dark environments. At the center of their mantle is a large, single eye, which they use to detect movement and potential prey.

Darkmantles are opportunistic hunters that dwell in caves or other dimly lit areas. They rely on their ability to blend in with the darkness to remain hidden from unsuspecting creatures. When prey comes within range, a Darkmantle swoops down and envelops it with its mantle, using its sticky underside to cling to its victim. It then begins constricting and suffocating the prey, making it an effective ambush predator.

Encountering a Darkmantle can be perilous, especially in dark and confined spaces where their camouflaging abilities are enhanced. Their darkvision allows them to navigate in the absence of light, making them adept at surprising their opponents. While individually they may not pose a significant threat to well-prepared adventurers, they can become dangerous in larger numbers or if combined with other creatures that benefit from the darkness.

Darkmantles are often encountered in underground settings, guarding their lairs or hunting for food. Their ability to cling to cave walls or ceilings, coupled with their dark coloring, can make them difficult to spot until it’s too late. Characters with keen perception and the ability to shed light on their surroundings have an advantage when dealing with these crafty creatures.

Special Abilities


The darkmantle can’t use its blindsight while deafened.

False Appearance

While the darkmantle remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a cave formation such as a stalactite or stalagmite.


  • Crush: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and the darkmantle attaches to the target. If the target is Medium or smaller and the darkmantle has advantage on the attack roll, it attaches by engulfing the target’s head, and the target is also blinded and unable to breathe while the darkmantle is attached in this way.
    While attached to the target, the darkmantle can attack no other creature except the target but has advantage on its attack rolls. The darkmantle’s speed also becomes 0, it can’t benefit from any bonus to its speed, and it moves with the target.
    A creature can detach the darkmantle by making a successful DC 13 Strength check as an action. On its turn, the darkmantle can detach itself from the target by using 5 feet of movement.
  • Darkness Aura: A 15-foot radius of magical darkness extends out from the darkmantle, moves with it, and spreads around corners. The darkness lasts as long as the darkmantle maintains concentration, up to 10 minutes (as if concentrating on a spell). Darkvision can’t penetrate this darkness, and no natural light can illuminate it. If any of the darkness overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the spell creating the light is dispelled.
Armor Class: 11 (DEX)
Hit Points: 22 (5d6+5)
Speed: 10 ft. (walk), 30 ft. (fly)


  • Skill: Stealth +3


  • Passive Perception: 10
  • Blindsight: 60′
Environment: Underdark

Credits: SRD 5.1