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The Fortunate Ones

March 23rd, 2024
As a Squire, I have been privileged to witness many feats of incredible luck and divine favor on the part of the adventurers I have supported. There is one feat, in particular, that stands out among them all - the Fortunate One. This feat seems to bestow upon its bearer an almost supernatural ability to escape danger and turn the tides of fate in their favor. I remember one particular adventure where our party found ourselves cornered by a band of vicious bandits in a narrow canyon. As we prepared to make our last stand, our companion who possessed the Fortunate One feat stepped forward. With a calm demeanor, they faced down the bandit leader's menacing glare and invoked the feat's power. Miraculously, the bandit leader's sword swing missed its mark, giving our party the opening we needed to turn the tables and emerge victorious. In another instance, during a treacherous journey through a cursed swamp, our party encountered a fearsome creature known as the Swamp Serpent. Despite our best efforts, it seemed that we were no match for the beast's deadly strikes. It was then that our companion with the Fortunate One feat leaped into action. By using their ability to reroll a failed saving throw, they managed to evade the serpent's venomous bite and deliver a decisive blow that vanquished the creature once and for all. The Fortunate One feat also proved invaluable during a daring heist in the city's sprawling underground tunnels. As we navigated a maze of traps and obstacles, our companion with the feat was always one step ahead, turning certain failure into unexpected success. Whether it was dodging a deadly trap or convincing a guard to look the other way, their uncanny ability to succeed where others faltered never failed to astound us. One of the most remarkable aspects of the Fortunate One feat is its versatility. Whether faced with a life-threatening situation or a seemingly insurmountable challenge, those who possess this feat always seem to find a way to emerge unscathed. It is as if the very fabric of fate bends to their will, ensuring that they come out on top no matter the odds. The Fortunate One feat is truly a remarkable gift, bestowing its bearer with a wellspring of luck and divine favor that never seems to run dry. Through its power, our adventurers have overcome countless obstacles, defeated formidable foes, and emerged victorious time and time again. As a Squire, I can only marvel at the incredible feats of heroism made possible by this extraordinary ability.

See also: Fortunate One